Tuesday, June 11, 2013

SAGE Coalition and TAWA presents


Emerging Artist Exhibition

Featured Artists:

Guadalupe Reyes

Katie Hector

Sam Acuff

Ian Murphy

Justin Jedrzejczyk

Vanity Sabelink

Chelsea Perron

Jasmine Chow

Carl Allen Washington

Brandon Jones

Introducing spoken word artist:

Mia X

Guest Curator: Mel Leipzig

DJ Itsjustahmad on the 1s and 2s

Opening Reception: June 14th 2013

(show runs until July 


219 Gallery: 219 E Hanover St. Trenton, NJ
TAWA is supported in part by the Mercer County Cultural and Heritage Commission, through funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Art/New Jersey Department of State, a Partner Agency on the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Mercer County Board of Chosen Freeholders