Wednesday, June 22, 2011

TAWA President Robert Girandola at New York State Museum

For Immediate Release

June 22, 2011

New York State Museum in Albany, New York received into their permanent collection “Remnants of a Memorial” by 9/11 sculptor Robert Girandola of Yardley, Pennsylvania.

On Thursday June 9, 2011 Craig Williams, Curator of History, at the New York State Museum met acclaimed sculptor and painter Robert Girandola at Engine 6 in New York City to take receipt of his work “Remnants of a Memorial.” This 60” x 60” mixed media masterpiece started as the “under-drawing” for Girandola’s bronze memorial, currently installed in New York City on Beekman Street. Both works honor four firefighters from Engine 6 who lost their lives rescuing others on 9/11. Williams and his team collected over three hours of raw footage interviewing firefighters from Engine 6, one of the widows and Girandola, detailing the eight-month journey from concept to delivery of the bronze memorial. “It was a very moving day,” Girandola describes. “From the moment in early May when Mark Schaming (Director of Exhibitions and Public Programs) and Craig Williams saw the work “Remnants of a Memorial” they knew they wanted it to be part of their 9/11 exhibit up in Albany.” The piece is intended to reside near The State Museum’s significant collection of material from the World Trade Center and objects from the international response to the events of September 11, 2001, which tells the story of that day and its aftermath. The World Trade Center: Rescue, Recovery, Response details the history of the World Trade Center, the September 11 attacks, the rescue efforts, the evidence recovery operation at the Fresh Kills facility, and the public response to the September 11th events. The exhibition includes many objects, images, videos, and interactive stations documenting this tragic chapter in New York and America's history. “For me,” Girandola continues “Remnants of a Memorial” is a counterpoint to the bronze that now hangs in New York City. Whereas the bronze symbolizes the strength of the firefighter’s courage, “Remnants” speaks to their soul, to what we lost that day and to the devastation of the living. I am honored that this will be on permanent display to help contribute to their (NY State Museum) amazing collection”

New York State Museum plans to edit the raw footage of all the interviews to present the video as part of an interactive display alongside the mixed media masterpiece “Remnants of a Memorial.” For further information please contact Mark Schaming, Director Of Exhibitions & Public Programs at 3023 Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York, 12230 e-mail: or Craig Williams, Curator of History, e-mail: . Go here for more information on the New York State Museum permanent exhibit The World Trade Center: Rescue, Recovery, Response:

Robert Girandola is a painter and sculptor with an MFA from Columbia University. He has exhibited and has been collected both nationally and internationally including twice being accepted into the prestigious “Art of the Northeast” in New Canaan, Connecticut. He is currently the sculptor for the Lower Makefield Veteran’s Monument in Lower Makefield, PA. He can be contacted by e-mail: More work by the artist can be seen at .

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TAWA is supported in part by the Mercer County Cultural and Heritage Commission, through funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Art/New Jersey Department of State, a Partner Agency on the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Mercer County Board of Chosen Freeholders