Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Opportunity for Artists

Grumbacher paint is looking to hire accomplished acrylic painters to teach two hour workshops at a major retailer in locations across the United State and Canada. Artists must be capable of demonstrating a still life, landscape, seascape, and floral. We have developed a flexible curriculum in acrylics for an artist to use or adapt to fit to his or her style. We plan to conduct approximately one to four workshops per store per month and the artist will have flexibility in scheduling. Compensation is $100 per workshop, and teaching materials will be provided to the artist at no cost.

Please have anyone who is interested email Jennifer Kopec at jkopec@chartpak.com with examples of their work in acrylics, along with a resume and contact information. (Chartpak is a manufacturer of fine art supplies. Grumbacher, Koh-I-Noor, Higgins ink, and Clearprint are some of our brands.

Jennifer Kopec, Educational Coordinator, Chartpak, Inc., 1 River Road, Leeds, MA 01053

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TAWA is supported in part by the Mercer County Cultural and Heritage Commission, through funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Art/New Jersey Department of State, a Partner Agency on the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Mercer County Board of Chosen Freeholders