Sound like good advice? This is just a sampling of the things you'll find in Thomas Kelly's new book One Hundred Rules for the Aspiring Painter. Tom presented this information as well as slides of some of his more popular works at a recent meeting at the Hamilton Township Public Library. In his presentation he emphasized the often overlooked (and somewhat dreaded) aspect of being an artist - the business of art.
"Art is a business, let's face it." He explained. "You have to expect surprises. Finish everything, don't quit." Tom further expounded. His insights were straight to the point, explaining painting at one point like a fight. The fighter only needs to be the last one standing, he explained. Tom touched on all aspects from the creation of his art, to marketing to psychology and networking. "It's easier to keep momentum then build momentum." is another great expression that can be a reminder to an artist just getting started to keep going.
The presentation was very informative and geared to the serious artist looking to build their professional presence.
Tom's contribution to TAWA is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Trenton Area Artist Katie Hector is this years recipient of the TAWA Stockton Award. This annual scholarship is awarded to a local senior who demonstrates exceptional work in the arts and is attending college in the fall.
Katie Hector’s journey as an artist began at a young age as she was guided by the influence of her grandfather, a master watercolorist. She has since been mentored and taught by Khalilah Sabree and Sean Carney, and has participated in programs with the Princeton Arts Council and Temple University’s Tyler School of Art. Her work has been exhibited in solo showings at Gilmore’s Café in Trenton and Fedora Café in Lawrenceville, in addition to her participation in both the Ellarslie Open and TAWA's Face Value at the Ellarslie Museum, two consecutive years in Trenton’s Art All Night, and an annual school show at the Abud Gallery in Lawrenceville. Katie will continue her art education at Rutgers University’s Mason Gross School of the Arts, where she will major in the visual arts.
As Katie puts it "Three years ago my love for visual arts, specifically painting, took form."She has been extremely active in the art community and has been able to hostsolo shows, both in Trenton and Lawrenceville and has participated in the Congressional Art Competition and Art All Night the past two years.She has also participate di the Teen Arts at Mercer County Community College.In her senior year of high school, Katie had two pieces accepted into the prestigiousEllarslie Open - Salon Show as well as the TAWA Face Value show.
Meeting of the Trenton Artists Workshop Association
Artist Tom Kelly will be the featured speaker at the next meeting of the Trenton Artist Workshop Association on October 12th, at the Hamilton Township Free Public Library. The meeting is open to the public and artists of all ages are welcome. Refreshments will be served. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. TAWA President Rob Girandola will give an update on the new membership program including the website, blog and online gallery.
The Hamilton Township Free Public Library is located at:
1 Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. Way Hamilton, NJ 08619 (609) 581-4060 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
Regional Artist Thomas Kelly has donated an acrylic painting entitled “Bathtub Service” to Sorella Day Spa, 1220 Whitehorse Mercerville Road, Hamilton, NJ to help the local business raise funds for Autism Speaks of Central NJ.To view a copy of the painting visit Sorella Day Spa or their Special Events page at tickets are $5.00 each and the winner will also receive compliments of the Cream Ridge Winery, Cream Ridge NJ, a wine basket complete with crackers and spreads.Drawing will be held at the Spa on Friday, October 29th 2010.For Further details please contact the spa at 609-581-7400.
Autism Speaks is dedicated to increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders, to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and cure for autism, and to advocating for the needs of affected families.
Here are a few opportunities for artists. If you're interested and need more information, please follow up directly with the organization.
AtlantiCare Women’s Health & Wellness AtlantiCare is seeking a variety of artwork to exhibit as part of their annual Breast Health Signature Event to be held on October 21, 2010. AtlantiCare Women’s Health & Wellness is seeking all cancer survivor artists who have been touched by the disease who reside in the Stateof New Jersey, who may be interested in providing inspirational, healing and refreshing images in a variety of mediums. Artwork will be presented in a multi-media presentation at the Breast Health Signature Event and exhibited in a community gallery space at the AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in Atlantic City. For more information please contact Cheryl Broschard at 609-677-7255 or email . AtlantiCare Foundation is located at 2500 English Creek Avenue, Building 500 Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
The Yo Emerging Artists! Project of South Jersey (YEA!) is a series of events that will provide professional opportunities for emerging artists from South Jersey and the surrounding region. This program was created to recognize emerging artists representing a diversity of styles and media who wish to establish themselves in a professional career. Throughout the year a series of exhibitions and events will be presented at partnering venues beginning October 2010 and throughout 2011. Please see the attached prospectus and go to for more details.
Works on Paper: A Juried Art Exhibition, Moorestown, New Jersey -- Perkins Center for the Arts announces our Annual Works on Paper Exhibition highlighting the most talented and outstanding artists from our region and around the country. The Juror for this year’s exhibition will be LiQin Tan, Co-Director and Associate Professor of Art Rutgers University at the Camden campus New Jersey. His works have been displayed internationally including at the Noyes Museum of Art, Shanghai DuoLun Museum of Modern Art, and the UK National Center for Computer Animation. This exhibition covers a plethora of mediums among them collage, oil, gouache, water color, pastel, intaglio printing, silk screen, woodcut and etching. The annual works on paper show is one of the best opportunities to exhibit and be seen by the hundreds of patrons and art lovers who attend this exhibition each year in our Moorestown Gallery.Hand delivery of work only for the Exhibition: Friday September17, 2010 10 am -3:30pm and Sunday September 19th, 2010 from 12-4pm. Entry Fee: $10 per work up to three works of art in any medium on or of paper, except Photography. Juror’s Awards: $500 in Jurors Awards. Museum Purchase Award: up to $700.00, the winner will become part of The Noyes Museum Collection of Art, New Jersey chosen by Museum Director Michael Cagno. “Works on Paper” can be viewed from Sunday October 3 rd -- November 14 th, 2010. The opening Reception will be held on Sunday, October 3rd from 1 – 4pm with an awards ceremony at 2:30pm. The gallery at Moorestown is open during the week on Thursday and Friday 10 am to 4 pm with weekend hours Saturday and Sunday Noon to 4 pm.
Face Value – The Art of Portraiture Summer Show. A juried exhibition exploring portraiture, opening July 31st. Open to TAWA members using any medium. Juried by LonnBraender, Director BOI’s Gallery, New Hope, Joanne Donnelly, Director Gallery 125, Trenton and Martha Press, Director Farnsworth Gallery, Bordentown.
Please join us for our opening reception Saturday July 31, 2010 5pm to 8pm
Featuring TAWA artists David Ackerman, Robert Girandola, Katie Hector, Justin Jedrezejczyk, Neil Larsen, Concetta Maglione, Carol Magnatta, Sharon MastroSimone, Gretchen Schroeder, Kathy Schumway-Tunney, Allison Singer, Andrew Werth, Jadwiga Wrolewska-Jedrezejcyk, Rhoda Yanow, and Ewa Zeller
The Trenton City Museum Ellarslie Mansion in Cadwalader Park Trenton, New Jersey Phone: (609) 989-3632 Fax: (609) 989-3624 Director:Brian O. Hill
The show runs: July 31, 2010 through September 5, 2010 Museum Hours Tuesday - Saturday: 11AM to 3PM Sunday: 1 to 4 PM Closed Monday and Municipal Holidays
Face Value – The Art of Portraiture Summer Show. A juried exhibition exploring portraiture, opening July 31st. Open to TAWA members using any medium. Juried by LonnBraender, Director BOI’s Gallery, New Hope, Joanne Donnelly, Director Gallery 125, Trenton and Martha Press, Director Farnsworth Gallery, Bordentown.
July 31, 2010 through September 5, 2010 Opening Reception Saturday June July 5pm to 8pm
Please join TAWA artists David Ackerman, Robert Girandola, Katie Hector, Justin Jedrezejczyk, Neil Larsen, Concetta Maglione, Carol Magnatta, Sharon MastroSimone, Gretchen Schroeder, Kathy Schumway-Tunney, Allison Singer, Andrew Werth, Jadwiga Wrolewska-Jedrezejcyk, Rhoda Yanow, and Ewa Zeller
The Trenton City Museum Ellarslie Mansion in Cadwalader Park Trenton, New Jersey Phone: (609) 989-3632 Fax: (609) 989-3624 Director:Brian O. Hill
Museum Hours Tuesday - Saturday: 11AM to 3PM Sunday: 1 to 4 PM Closed Monday and Municipal Holidays
Past President Aubrey J. Kauffman (Left), President Robert Girandola (Left Center) and Board President Dan Aubrey (Right) presenting 'Best in Show' Award to Gretchen Schroeder for her mixed media piece 'Inner Spirit.'
Past President Aubrey J. Kauffman featured at the TAWA Art & Soul exhibit on display until July 25, 2010
There is still one more week to get out to 'Art & Soul' Art Moved By The Spirit Summer Show. A juried exhibition exploring art and spirituality, opening June 25th. Featuring TAWA members using any medium and of all spiritual beliefs. Juried by visual artist and director of the Villanova University Art Gallery, Reverend Richard Cannuli.There were two very nice reviews, one by Ilene Dube of Time Off and another by Janet Purcell of the Trenton Times. Thanks so much to member D.J. Hazlett for doing a great job as our public relations person. Also congratulations to member Gretchen Schroeder for being awarded 'Best in Show' and to Aubrey J. Kauffman for his wonderful featured exhibit. It was really wonderful to be able to celebrate his 30 years with TAWA with the incredible photographs on display.
Treasurer Julian Kerns and Dora Golfetto charming the crowds
New member Wyman Brantley at the TAWA art all night sponsor table. Many people came by, signed up for our blog, got a free catalog or t-shirt for doing so. It was a lot of fun.
The show is just coming down now so if you didn't get a chance to see it, you missed some beautiful work at both Artworks and the Trenton City Museum for the 28th Ellarslie Open. This year we wish to congratulate Neil Larsen for receiving the TAWA Award for his photograph 'Remember the 50's'. Neil has this to say about his work:
“I prefer the intimacy of the small size print. I don’t always want a faithful representation of reality, sometimes I just yearn for a dream. The image and emulsion transfers go into another dimension - the small size and close viewing enhances that intimate feeling.
I’m not so much interested in cameras as I am in what the camera can produce. Usually, the standard photograph is not enough for me. Maybe that’s a deficiency of mine, but I’ve always felt that there was a better way for me… When I discovered the instant film image transfer I knew immediately that that was one way for me to get the most from my images. Not every photograph works as an image transfer, but the ones that do work are the ones I like in the first place – an intimate picture that is a step away from reality into a pleasant dream or memory.”
Neil has displayed his work in juried and curated art exhibits at Atlantic Artisans, New Jersey Visual Arts Center, the NJ Photography Forum, The Guild of Creative Art, Brookdale Community College, Art Alliance of Monmouth County, the Edison Arts Society, the Mountain Art Show,Soho Photo Gallery, The Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie, Somerset Arts Association, Perkins Center for the Arts, D&R Greenway Land Trust, Watchung Arts Center, Gallery 125, and Art Works in Trenton.
He is a member of the New Jersey Photography Forum and The Trenton Artists’ Workshop Association.
Neil makes pigment prints on watercolor paper but prefers to use instant film image and emulsion transfers in portraying his impressions of the many nature, landscape and cityscape, and historic scenes available in New Jersey.
Look for his work among many other TAWA artists at the upcoming 'Art & Soul' show opening this Saturday June 26 at the Trenton City Museum.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the workshop with David Rivera teaching the Secrets of the Old Masters. Their grissaile method is an exciting way to prepare an image. The 15th and 16th century artists produced radiant pieces of work using limited number of pigments. The underpainting executed in shade of one color, usually gray, molds the form and its tonal values give an illusion of sculptural relief.
Given countless examples of grissaile painters - from van Eyck's brothers to Vermeer to Ingres, we were to choose an artist to study and learn his technique. I have found Andrea del Sarto's small piece especially graceful and was eager to see how much I can learn from him.
This new method that stresses good drawing and tonal values was in direct contrast to my older 'all prima', direct method of painting. Subsequent color glazes over the underpainting created luminosity never experienced before. Guided patiently by Mr. Rivera, we were discovering the genius of oil paints - their potential to create really brilliant detail in jewel like colors.
Old Masters have secrets to share for patient and devoted students. It was really a pleasure to participate in this inspiring gem of a workshop. Many thanks to Mr.Rivera and TAWA .
ART AND SOUL – Art Moved By The Spirit Summer Show. A juried exhibition exploring art and spirituality. TAWA members using any medium and of all spiritual beliefs. Juried by visual artist and director of the Villanova University Art Gallery, Reverend Richard Cannuli. An invitation to artists to explore themes and forces beyond the everyday
June 26, 2010 through July 25, 2010 Opening Reception Saturday June 26 5pm to 8pm
The Trenton City Museum Ellarslie Mansion in Cadwalader Park Trenton, New Jersey Phone: (609) 989-3632 Fax: (609) 989-3624 Director:Brian O. Hill
Museum Hours Tuesday - Saturday: 11AM to 3PM Sunday: 1 to 4 PM Closed Monday and Municipal Holidays
The big night is fast approaching - Artworks ARTALLNIGHT2010 - and TAWA is proud to help sponsor the big event. June 19 & 20, 2010 - we'll be having a table with a nice banner (designed by Julian Kernes). We're looking for volunteers to have fun hanging out at the table, signing up new members or just getting e-mails to add to our mailing list. Please let me know if you've got a few hours to spare. It is a very festive atmosphere and we'll be giving away some things for people who join. It's an opportunity to meet new people, see all the art and have fun.
Art All Night-Trenton 2009 will take place at the Roebling Wire Works Factory adjacent Millyard Park located at 675 South Clinton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08611. A Google Map below shows the main entrance of the building. Parking is directly across South Clinton Avenue on the right side of the map.
General Parking:
Ample, free parking for the general public will be available in the Roebling Market parking lot which is located directly next to the Museum of Contemporary Science and Art All Night Trenton 2009. Turn in from South Clinton Ave. See directions below.
Handicapped Parking: Handicapped parking will be available in back of the Museum of Contemporary Science at One Dye Street. Dye Street is perpendicular to South Broad Street and South Clinton Avenue and can be seen at google maps. Once on Dye Street, look for the green metal sign that says HMFA parking. Drivers will be asked to furnish disabled persons license plates or State issued placards
This is a call for proposals for a short term job this summer. City Arts of Trenton is organizing a week-long Arts camp called "Bridge to the Arts" to be held at the Westminster Presbyterian Church on Greenwood Avenue at Olden Avenue in Trenton.
The camp will run from August 23-27, 2010. Students will be dropped off at 8AM and picked up at 4PM with the option of extended day for an additional fee. Instructors will work from 9AM to 4PM with an hour off for lunch. Each instructor will be provided with an assistant. The stipend is $200.00 per day and $100.00 per day for materials. There will be a culminating activity on the last day from 4:30-6PM to show off what they did all week.
There will be 80 students ranging in age from 6-13 years in attendance. They will be broken out into groups of 20 by age. They will attend 4 classes each day in the different fine and performing arts that run for 75 minutes each. Therefore, you would see all 80 students each day.
We would like to invite you to submit a proposal for quality visual arts instruction for any part or all of the week. (We are not interested in cutesy "make and takes" that most camps offer.) You may participate for one day or all five. We would like to have your ideas no later than June 23, 2010.
If you would like to participate, please contact Carolyn Stetson at or by phone at 609-599-2439. Thank you in advance for your interest. Please pass this on to anyone else you feel might be interested in this opportunity.
People who know me know that I attend a variety of cultural activities in New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other locations.
When I mention something that I've recently attended, I'm often asked to let people know in advance what's going on, especially about events that won't break the budget.
To address that response, I've started a blog that focuses on some weekly (and generally inexpensive events) that can be reached mainly by traveling the East Coast Corridor, generally between Philadelphia and New York City.
It's called Corridorline and can be found at
I hope that some of you may use and enjoy it.
Let me know if you're using it or know of some event.
You can post a response or email me at .
Grumbacher paint is looking to hire accomplished acrylic painters to teach two hour workshops at a major retailer in locations across the United State and Canada. Artists must be capable of demonstrating a still life, landscape, seascape, and floral. We have developed a flexible curriculum in acrylics for an artist to use or adapt to fit to his or her style. We plan to conduct approximately one to four workshops per store per month and the artist will have flexibility in scheduling. Compensation is $100 per workshop, and teaching materials will be provided to the artist at no cost.
Please have anyone who is interested email Jennifer Kopec at with examples of their work in acrylics, along with a resume and contact information. (Chartpak is a manufacturer of fine art supplies. Grumbacher, Koh-I-Noor, Higgins ink, and Clearprint are some of our brands.
Jennifer Kopec, Educational Coordinator, Chartpak, Inc., 1 River Road, Leeds, MA 01053
Please do not send entries that require a signature.
The Trenton downtown post office (where TAWA has its PO box) has a high volume of patronage and a low level of customer service; therefore, it can take more than a half an hour to sign for an entry that could have just been taken out of the mailbox.
If there is a concern regarding a mailing, please notify us by email. That way we can address the situation in the most efficient manner.
ART AND SOUL – Art Moved By The Spirit Summer Show. A juried exhibition exploring art and spirituality, opening June 25th. Open to TAWA members using any medium and of all spiritual beliefs. Juried by visual artist and director of the Villanova University Art Gallery, Reverend Richard Cannuli. An invitation to artists to explore themes and forces beyond the everyday.
Congratulations to:
Liz Aubrey Dan Franaldi Carl Frankel Robert Girandola Arlene Gold Rob Greco DJ Haslett Aubrey Kauffman Maxine King Neil Larsen Mary Leck Rob Lowe Concetta Maglione Florence Moonan Bonnie Randall Ruth Reese Mark Schreiber Allison Singer Kyle Stevenson Nancy Zamboni Ewa Zeller Gretchen Schroeder
Kudos to Past President Aubrey Kauffman for being selected for the "Featured Artist Exhibition" being held in the McCall Gallery.
Show opens June 26, 2010 with the Opening Reception Gala Held at Ellarslie, The City Museum, Cadwalader Park, Trenton, NJ
Some members have expressed interest in a life drawing / sculpting session. Please write to me at if you're interested and we'll see if we can coordinate.
The Trenton Artists Workshop Association announces a three Saturday workshop, “Secret Techniques of the Old Masters.” Given by this year's 28th Ellarslie Open Best in Show David Rivera -
Led by regionally based artist David Rivera, the workshop runs 10 Am to 1 PM on May 8, 15, and 22 at Ellarslie, the Trenton City Museum in Cadwalader Park, Trenton.
The workshop will provide both beginning and intermediate artists will approaches to the traditional techniques of oil painting, including grisaille, glazing, and scumbling. Emphasis will be placed on composition, color relationships, and methods used by the old masters.
David Rivera studied at the New York Academy of Figurative Art and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art. A recipient of the Ellarslie Open XXVI Utrecht Art Award and a Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art’s Thomas Eakins Award for Figurative Painting, he is an assistant instructor of art at Mercer County Community College and guest instructor at various arts centers.
Tuition for the three days is $125 ($75 for TAWA members). Pre-Register by e-mailing
Congratulations to all of the TAWA artists on exhibit at the 28th Ellarslie Open at the Trenton City Museum & Artworks -
Joy Barth Marge Chavooshian Rob Greco Renee Kumar Neil Larsen Lea Novak George Olexa Jr. Dallas Piotrowski Mark Schreiber Gretchen Schroeder Robert Girandola D.J. Haslett Bob Justin Eric Kennedy
Special congratulations to the TAWA Award goes to:
Neil Larsen for his work 'Remember the 50's'
The show at Ellarslie is on exhibit April 23 - June 20, 2010 The show at Artworks is on exhibit April 23 - June 1, 2010
Pulitzer Prize winning poet Yusef Komunyakaa and acclaimed poet and celebrated translator of Dante's Divine Comedy Jean Hollander read to a packed audience at the Trenton Artists Workshop Association Spring Forward - held at the Trenton City Museum, Ellarslie, March 2010
Trenton Artists Workshop Association will is accepting entries for its August, 2010, summer exhibition “Face Value –The Art of Portraiture.”
The show is open to all members and all mediums.
The exhibition will run July 31 through September 5 at The Trenton City Museum at Ellarlsie Mansion in Cadwalader Park, Trenton, NJ.
Lonn Braender, director of BOIs Gallery in New Hope; Joanne Donnelly, director of Gallery 125 in Trenton; and Martha Press, director of the Farnsworth Gallery in Bordentown will curate.
Deadline for entries is May 15, 2010.
Submit up to five images on slide or CD-Rom.
No pieces previously shown in recent TAWA shows may be considered.
All pieces must be properly framed and wired.
Open only to current TAWA members – please see TAWA site to join.
(Trenton, NJ) -- The Trenton Artists Workshop Association and Friends for the Hamilton Trenton Bordentown Marsh invite community member to participate in the third White City candle lighting hike starting at 7:30 PM, Saturday, April 10th, at the Spring Lake section of Roebling Park in Hamilton, NJ.
The project, coordinated by TAWA board member Daniel Aubrey, is part of an effort to create an annual community event that celebrates spring and new ideas.
Open to all community members and artists of all ages, participants should meet in the Spring Lake parking area of Roebling Park at the end of Sewell Drive, off South Broad Street in Hamilton. They should dress for walking in wooded areas. Candles are welcome.
The Friends for the Marsh is a special project of the D& R Greenway and designed to promote environmental and historic awareness of the marshlands.
The event is part of the Marsh weekend of hiking and history.
On Saturday, April 10, the day will focus on walking tours of the newest tow path portion of the Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park and the site of Joseph Bonaparte’s mansion, Point Breeze.
The Delaware and Raritan Canal tow-path walk will focus on the park section that stretches across Duck Island from Trenton to the Crosswicks Creek. The walk is scheduled from 9:30 to noon and will be led by Stephanie Fox and Vickie Chirco of the D&R State Park. Participants need to register by calling 609-924-5705 or emailing
The Point Breeze History Walk runs from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at Divine Word Seminary in Bordentown. Built by Joseph Bonaparte on the bluff overlooking the lake and Crosswicks Creek, Point Breeze included a mansion, English style grounds, and an art gallery that boasted works by Titian, Van Dyck, Velasques, Raphael, and family portraits by David. Today it is the sight of an important archeological investigation.
The Sunday, April 11, events feature tours of two major historic sites in the Hamilton Township section of the marsh.
From 1 PM to 4 PM, the Watson House, the oldest house in the Mercer County region, opens for visits. Built by Quaker farmer Isaac Watson in 1708, when Trenton was stilled called the “falls of the Delaware,” the house now serves as headquarters of the New Jersey State Society of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), which restored the property as part of the New Jersey Tercentenary Celebration in 1964.
At 2 PM, there will be a tour of Bow Hill Mansion, the 18th Century structure situated on the property that was once part of William Trent’s farmstead. Once owned by both the DeKlyn and Lalor Families, the building is best known as the residence for Annette Savage and her lover, Joseph Bonaparte, brother to Napoleon Bonaparte, and former king of Naples and Spain. Now owned by the Ukrainian -American Society, the building, located at the end of Jeremiah Avenue in Hamilton Township.
All events are free and open to the public.
For more information visit the participating organization Web pages at, and, email, or call or call 609-213-2918.
The Trenton Artists Workshop Association announces a three Saturday workshop, “Secret Techniques of the Old Masters.”
Led by regionally based artist David Rivera, the workshop runs 10 Am to 1 PM on May 8, 15, and 22 at Ellarslie, the Trenton City Museum in Cadwalader Park, Trenton.
The workshop will provide both beginning and intermediate artists will approaches to the traditional techniques of oil painting, including grisaille, glazing, and scumbling. Emphasis will be placed on composition, color relationships, and methods used by the old masters.
David Rivera studied at the New York Academy of Figurative Art and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art. A recipient of the Ellarslie Open XXVI Utrecht Art Award and a Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art’s Thomas Eakins Award for Figurative Painting, he is an assistant instructor of art at Mercer County Community College and guest instructor at various arts centers.
Tuition for the three days is $125 ($75 for TAWA members). Pre-Register by e-mailing
Several prominent artists linked to the City of Trenton will share new work and reflect on what can enhance the region’s cultural life on Saturday, March 27, 2010, at Ellarlsie, The Trenton City Museum in Cadwalader Park in Trenton, NJ.
The event, entitled “Trenton Making,” is part of the annual Spring Forward activities, presented by the Trenton Artists Workshop Association in association with Co/Works.
Participating in the event scheduled between 11 AM and 3 PM are playwright and screenplay writer William Mastrosimone, poet Yusef Komunyakaa, and visual artist Mel Leipzig.
Trenton native William Mastrosimone is the author of the plays “Extremities,” “The Woolgatherer,” “Afghan Women,” and “Bang Bang You’re Dead”; the films “With Honors” and “The Beast”; and the several television mini series, including “Into the West” and a biography of Frank Sinatra. He will be led in a discussion by Trenton based professional theater director and past artistic director of George Street Playhouse Maureen Heffernan.
Trenton resident Yusef Komunyakaa is the author of several books of poems, including “Warhorses; Taboo: The Wishbone Trilogy, Part 1”; “Pleasure Dome: New & Collected Poems, 1975-1999”; “Talking Dirty to the Gods” ; “Thieves of Paradise”; and “Neon Vernacular: New & Selected Poems 1977-1989,” for which he received the Pulitzer Prize and the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award; and “Magic City.” The writer will be joined by other regionally based poets representing regional publications such as “Ragged Sky Press” and “The Trenton Review,’ including nationally known poet Doc Long, poet and editor Ellen Foos, poet and acclaimed translator Jean Hollander, Carlos Hernández Peña, and others.
Trenton based visual artist Mel Leipzig’s work is included in the collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art; Jersey City Museum; Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, New Brunswick; The University of Pennsylvania, Architecture Archives; Springville Museum of Art, Springville, UT; The New Jersey State Museum, Trenton; The Cooper - Hewitt Museum for Decorative Arts, New York; Montclair Art Museum, Montclair; Yale Art Gallery, New Haven, CT; The White House Collection, Washington, DC. On this day the artist will give the area unveiling of his five panel painting of celebrated Princeton based architect Michael Graves. The artist will be interviewed by museum curator and Trenton resident Helen Shannon.
The event is designed to focus attention to Trenton’s role of being an ongoing home for artists and a place for creativity.
Programs are free and held at Ellarslie, The Trenton City Museum in Cadwalader Park, Trenton, NJ.
Change is upon us! Very shortly the look of our website and blog will change with a newly created overhaul. The enhancements will not only make the navigating more user friendly but improve some of the behind the scenes features which makes the management of the website much easier. Some of these features include:
** A fully web-enabled edit feature. What the heck does that mean? (see, I can read your mind) That means that several of us could log-in (provided we have a password) from anywhere in the world and edit or post an article. This will allow us to have more timely articles relating to all of our interesting work.
** GALLERIES ** This is a very nice feature where all paid (current) members of TAWA will have their own profile page complete with images of their work, a brief bio and links to their own personal website, blog or posterous.
** Calendar of Events - Here we will be posting all types of things like Workshop schedules, up-coming shows and their deadlines and for paid (current) members please let us know if you're having an up-coming show at another venue, we'll post it on the calendar, include a story on the main site and update our blog (Talk about coverage!!)
We will be sending out periodic snail mail to our members but this will be on a limited basis. This helps the environment, saves on administrative effort and money for postage. We recognize not everyone can get to a computer but that is a small portion of our membership and to keep dues low we've got to maximize new technology.
One of the main benefits of our organization is that with so many members doing amazing things, the more we capture on our website, the more helpful it is in getting all member work a chance to be seen and admired. Who knows, build some amazing new contacts!
We hope you enjoy the new look. One final note - all current members will be considered grandfathered. Beginning June 1, 2010 all membership renewal is due and that will be our annual renewal date. Members wanting to participate in our upcoming summer shows 'Art & Soul' and/or 'Face Value' will be asked to renew at the time of entry. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!
March 6 – Workshop: “Web Sites for Artists,” including the launch of TAWA’s new Web site featuring a member’sgallery link (free for all TAWA members). Location: The Trenton City Museum in Cadwalader Park Time: 11am - Noon
March 27 – “Trenton Making” a Spring Forward day of presentations and explorations, including the premiere of a five panel painting of famed architect Michael Graves by Mel Leipzig, a discussion with playwright and screenplay writer William Mastrosimone, and a reading featuring award winning playwright Yusef Komunyakaa (free for TAWA members and general public).Location: The Trenton City Museum in Cadwalader Park Time: Late Morning Start Exact Time TBD
May 1 – Entry deadline for Summer Show “Art and Soul,” a juried exhibition exploring art and spirituality, opening June 25th.Open to TAWA members using any medium and of all spiritual beliefs.Juried by visual artists and director of the Villanova University Art Gallery, Reverend Richard Cannuli.
May 8, 15, and 22 – Workshop: “Secret Techniques of the Old Masters,” oil painting with David Rivera; Tuition for the three days is $125 ($75 for TAWA members). Location: The Trenton City Museum in Cadwalader Park Time: 10am to 1pm
May 22 – Entry deadline for Summer Show “Face Value,” a juried exhibition celebrating traditional and contemporary approaches to portraiture.Open to all TAWA members working in any medium.Juried by Lonn Braender, director, BOIs Gallery, New Hope; Joanne Donnelly, director, Gallery 125, Trenton; and Martha Press, director, Farnsworth Gallery, Bordentown, NJ.
The Trenton Artists' Workshop Association Inc., is a nonprofit organization founded in 1979 by Latta Patterson and Dr. Mary Tatum Howard (and friends) to promote the arts in the greater Trenton Area. Since its inception, membership in this arts collective has grown to over 350 professional artists, art educators, art students, and patrons of the arts. TAWA served as a catalyst for several city festivals -- which brought together regional musicians, writers and theater artists -- and assisted in the creation of the city's first professional theater.
TAWA is supported in part by the Mercer County Cultural and Heritage Commission, through funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Art/New Jersey Department of State, a Partner Agency on the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Mercer County Board of Chosen Freeholders