Friday, November 25, 2011


NOVEMBER 25, 2011


Story by Daniel Aubrey.  Images by Mark Schreiber.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Open Call to Artists (and everyone)
"There's an Exhibit For That"
Juried Smartphone Photography Exhibit
January 4 - 29, 2012
Reception: January 7, 4-7pm
There is a saying among photographers: The best camera you have is the one you have with you. And there is no camera more available than the one on your phone.
Toss out that Kodak Instamatic, throw away that old 35mm film (Film? What's that?) camera, and you might as well discard that expensive new digital camera you just bought, too, for the Age of iPhoneography has arrived.
Whether you have an iPhone a Droid or any other brand of smartphone, this exhibit is for you. Whether you're a professional photographer or just enjoy messing around with your phone, this exhibit is for you.
Entry Instructions:
Two Options:
$5 for three entries - Print images yourself (longest image side cannot exceed 10") and deliver, unframed, to Home Fine Art by December 30. Bring cash or a check made out to Home Fine Art Gallery. for gallery hours.
$15 for three entries - Email as a jpeg to by December 18. The gallery will print the photos 8x10" and display, unframed, at Home Fine Art.
Entry fees cover the cost of administration and promotion. Pay by Paypal at
  • You must be the creator and owner of the image copyrights.
  • The images must be strictly taken, crafted or edited using only a smartphone or iPad/tablet- no computer enhancement allowed. Some of the applications that can be used to make this art include Sketchbook, Hipstamatic, PS Express, Toy Camera, Brushes, Iris, Photogene, or one of the other 2,000+ apps available for mobile devices.
  • Genres can include portraits, landscapes, surrealism, abstracts and line drawings, as well as "paintings."
Competition Categories:
Best in show: $100
People's Choice: $100 - Gallery viewers can vote for their favorite Smartphone Art pieces at the gallery or online at the gallery's Facebook page until the exhibit closes.
100 pieces will be chosen to show on the walls of Home Fine Art. All of the entries will be shown on the Home Fine Art website.
Photos may be for sale. Home Fine Art Gallery takes a 30% commission on all work sold.

Monday, November 14, 2011


PHOTOGRAPHY 31—A Call for Works
January 29 – March 4 2012
Perkins Center for the Arts announces “PHOTOGRAPHY 31”, a juried exhibition of photographs by regional artists at the Perkins Center’s Moorestown Gallery.   The juror  Stuart Rome is co-founder of Drexel University’s photography program and professor of photography at Drexel University. His work has been collected by The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, the Los Angeles County Museum, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Princeton University Art Museum and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

 Work must be hand delivered and received on Friday, January 6, 10:00 AM–3:30 PM Sunday, January 8, 12:00 PM–4:00 PM 

Artists may enter up to three works at an entrée fee of $10 per entry. 

“PHOTOGRAPHY 31” The opening reception will be Sunday, January 29, 2012 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.  This event is free and open to the public with an  Awards ceremony at 2:30 pm. 

Awards include up to 5 Juror Awards totaling $500 for Artistic Excellence of  and exhibited works will be offered to the Philadelphia Museum of Art for their photography collection with a Maximum Purchase award of $600.

Perkins Center for the Arts is a unique cultural organization dedicated to excellence in the arts and to providing a wide range of creative opportunities for people of all ages and every level of artistic development. The Center's programs include visual and performing arts classes and lessons, exhibitions, music and dance performances, workshops, visiting artists' residencies, and an outreach program for children, underserved communities, and individuals with special needs.

This program is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/ Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment of the Arts and by funds from the National Endowment for the Arts.

For more information call 856-235-6488.

Friday, November 11, 2011


            Logan drives over to the command center, just as I told him.  He tells me to hop into the car and we head to a donut and coffee shop.  All the way I tell him about the Mohawk and bugs.  He keeps telling me that it all may get worse; that we need to keep focused.  He then tells me that how impressive it was for me to get a photo of the insects.  Over coffee and a snack, he looks at the images and frowns....

Story by Daniel Aubrey.  Images by Mark Schreiber.

Friday, November 4, 2011



From an article written by Max Logan:

            “Despite the caution tape and police attempts to stop them, people crowded the damaged seawall, resulting in a partial collapse of the wall.  At least twenty people tumbled into the cold Delaware River…  

Continues at 

Story by Daniel Aubrey.  Images by Mark Schreiber.

TAWA is supported in part by the Mercer County Cultural and Heritage Commission, through funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Art/New Jersey Department of State, a Partner Agency on the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Mercer County Board of Chosen Freeholders